Before and After Photo Gallery

Chin implant, submental liposculpture with rhinoplasty.
  • Chin implant, submental liposculpture with rhinoplasty.
  • Chin implant, submental liposculpture with rhinoplasty.

Case #5492 – Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty with osteotomy, columellar strut, dorsal reduction and chin implant.
  • Rhinoplasty with osteotomy, columellar strut, dorsal reduction and chin implant.
  • Rhinoplasty with osteotomy, columellar strut, dorsal reduction and chin implant.
  • Rhinoplasty with osteotomy, columellar strut, dorsal reduction and chin implant.

Case #5444 – Rhinoplasty

  • Rhinoplasty
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Rhinoplasty

Case #5395 – Rhinoplasty

Buccal fat pad removal and submental liposculpture with rhinoplasty.
  • Buccal fat pad removal and submental liposculpture with rhinoplasty.
  • Buccal fat pad removal and submental liposculpture with rhinoplasty.
  • Buccal fat pad removal and submental liposculpture with rhinoplasty.

Case #5425 – Rhinoplasty

  • Rhinoplasty

Case #5440 – Rhinoplasty

Face and neck-lift with neck-Lace procedure, superficial cheeklift with canthopexy, lower blepharoplasty, Livefill to naso labial folds, marionette, upper-lower lips, brows, DAO muscle release, rhinoplasty with tip plasty, lateral osteotomy, and dorsal reduction.
  • Face and neck-lift with neck-Lace procedure, superficial cheeklift with canthopexy, lower blepharoplasty, Livefill to naso labial folds, marionette, upper-lower lips, brows, DAO muscle release, rhinoplasty with tip plasty, lateral osteotomy, and dorsal reduction.
  • Face and neck-lift with neck-Lace procedure, superficial cheeklift with canthopexy, lower blepharoplasty, Livefill to naso labial folds, marionette, upper-lower lips, brows, DAO muscle release, rhinoplasty with tip plasty, lateral osteotomy, and dorsal reduction.
  • Face and neck-lift with neck-Lace procedure, superficial cheeklift with canthopexy, lower blepharoplasty, Livefill to naso labial folds, marionette, upper-lower lips, brows, DAO muscle release, rhinoplasty with tip plasty, lateral osteotomy, and dorsal reduction.

Case #5403 – Rhinoplasty

Face and necklift, cheeklift with canthopexy and lateral canthal elevation, LiveFill to nasiolabial folds and marionette lines, buccal fat pad excision, upper blepharoplasty, minimally invasive browlift and rhinoplasty.
  • Face and necklift, cheeklift with canthopexy and lateral canthal elevation, LiveFill to nasiolabial folds and marionette lines, buccal fat pad excision, upper blepharoplasty, minimally invasive browlift and rhinoplasty.
  • Face and necklift, cheeklift with canthopexy and lateral canthal elevation, LiveFill to nasiolabial folds and marionette lines, buccal fat pad excision, upper blepharoplasty, minimally invasive browlift and rhinoplasty.
  • Face and necklift, cheeklift with canthopexy and lateral canthal elevation, LiveFill to nasiolabial folds and marionette lines, buccal fat pad excision, upper blepharoplasty, minimally invasive browlift and rhinoplasty.

Case #5417 – Rhinoplasty

Chin implant, buccal fat pad removal, nasal tip rhinoplasty
  • Chin implant, buccal fat pad removal, nasal tip rhinoplasty
  • Chin implant, buccal fat pad removal, nasal tip rhinoplasty

Case #5378 – Rhinoplasty

Correction of plunging tip nose.
  • Correction of plunging tip nose.

Case #5387 – Rhinoplasty

Face and necklift including cheeklift with canthopexy, LiveFill to nasolabial folds and marionette lines, buccal fat pad excision, upper bleparoplasty, minimally invasive temporal/anterior hairline, lateral browlift, rhinoplasty with tip plasty and right external nasal valvuloplasty.
  • Face and necklift including cheeklift with canthopexy, LiveFill to nasolabial folds and marionette lines, buccal fat pad excision, upper bleparoplasty, minimally invasive temporal/anterior hairline, lateral browlift, rhinoplasty with tip plasty and right external nasal valvuloplasty.
  • Face and necklift including cheeklift with canthopexy, LiveFill to nasolabial folds and marionette lines, buccal fat pad excision, upper bleparoplasty, minimally invasive temporal/anterior hairline, lateral browlift, rhinoplasty with tip plasty and right external nasal valvuloplasty.

Case #5411 – Rhinoplasty

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