Face and neck-lift with neck-Lace procedure, superficial cheeklift with canthopexy, lower blepharoplasty, Livefill to naso labial folds, marionette, upper-lower lips, brows, DAO muscle release, rhinoplasty with tip plasty, lateral osteotomy, and dorsal reduction.
Face and necklift, cheeklift with canthopexy and lateral canthal elevation, LiveFill to nasiolabial folds and marionette lines, buccal fat pad excision, upper blepharoplasty, minimally invasive browlift and rhinoplasty.
Face and necklift including cheeklift with canthopexy, LiveFill to nasolabial folds and marionette lines, buccal fat pad excision, upper bleparoplasty, minimally invasive temporal/anterior hairline, lateral browlift, rhinoplasty with tip plasty and right external nasal valvuloplasty.