Can You Have Nose Job if You Have a Piercing?

Rhinoplasties, casually known as nose jobs, are one of the most popular plastic surgeries. The procedure is relatively low-risk when compared to other popular operations but provides clear benefits. The central position of your nose means that its size, shape, and overall character have a major effect on the general appearance of your face. Even minor alterations to the nose can create a more pleasant and attractive face. However, if you have a nose piercing, you may wonder if it is possible to keep your piercing and have a rhinoplasty. The good news is that the limited nature of the procedure means that piercings rarely pose any difficulty.

Can You Have Nose Job if You Have a Piercing?

So, can you have a nose job if you have a piercing. Let’s look at the details.

At your center for the best cosmetic surgery Beverly Hills has, Dr. Brent will provide you with amazing results. If you are looking for a high-quality nose job Beverly Hills, look no further.

Before Speaking with a Surgeon

Before even considering rhinoplasty, you should make sure that your piercing is well healed. The timeline for proper healing for a piercing will depend on the location of the piercing, so for less common piercing placements, you’ll want to check with a professional. Fortunately, they don’t usually take too long to heal. A standard nostril piercing can take between two and four months to heal, and a septum piercing will generally take between three and four months to heal. These estimates are based on normal healing patterns without complications, so you should always check with your surgeon if you have any doubt that your piercing is completely healed.

Locating a Surgeon

While looking for potential surgeons, it is important to screen them carefully. You absolutely need a board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure quality and safety. From there, you should also look for a surgeon that you like, whose patient reviews and before/after photographs speak to their expertise and professionalism. Verifying their expertise and building a rapport will make the process more comfortable.

During Your Consultation

Once your piercing has fully healed and you’re able to safely remove the stud, then you’re eligible for surgery. You may, of course, start the consultation process before the piercing has healed. However, you should keep in mind that any measure of swelling may make it more difficult for your surgeon to determine precisely what needs to be done to achieve your goals. Waiting until the piercing is healed can potentially streamline the process.

During your early conversations, it is really important that you make your intentions clear. You may ask your surgeon for their suggestions. But photographs of people with the features you would like to have will help guide them in the right direction. They are unlikely to replicate another person’s nose on your face, but the photographs will help them give you a look that fits your face while evoking the character you want your face to project.

In these initial meetings, you should also clarify that you intend to keep your piercing(s) after surgery. Your surgeon will ask you to confirm that the piercing is healed. Typically the incision is underneath the nose, so most piercing types are unaffected. If your piercing is in the preferred incision path, then your surgeon will talk trouble-shooting options with you. It is very rare for a nose piercing to complicate a rhinoplasty.

After Surgery

You will not be able to replace your nose jewelry immediately. Your surgeon will specify how long you have to wait depending on the placement of the piercing in relation to the incision. But you can expect to wait at least a couple of weeks. Other than that, there is no reason you can’t have a rhinoplasty and a nose piercing. However, if you do have any other questions about what goes into having a nose job, you can always ask double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brent.

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