slim fit womanDuring pregnancy, the abdominal area rapidly expands as the child develops. For some women, this rapid expansion results in a weakening and separation of the abdominal muscles. The separation of the muscles creates a noticeable stomach bulge that persists after pregnancy, and this condition is known as diastasis recti.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brent Moelleken can correct diastasis recti by performing a tummy tuck. Dr Moelleken will carefully examine your abdominal area to determine if the muscle looseness is prevalent across the whole abdomen or only in one part of the abdomen. He will use this information to determine if a mini tummy tuck or full tummy tuck procedure is your ideal option.

Contact Moelleken Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation for your tummy tuck procedure. Dr. Moelleken will correct your diastasis recti and restore the flat and tight appearance of your abdomen.

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