What Nose Shape and Size Is Right for You?

Rhinoplasty (often referred to as a “nose job”) is a great procedure for anyone who is unhappy with the size or shape of their nose. It is one of the more common cosmetic procedures as millions of people undergo the surgery annually. One of the more difficult parts about the procedure is choosing the size and shape you want as each person’s facial structure is uniquely different. This can be really overwhelming as you may want to change your nose, but you don’t know exactly what will look best on you. So what nose shape and size is right for your?

What Nose Shape and Size Is Right for You?

This is why finding a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who is willing to spend time with you during the consultation is so vital. Below you will find more information about rhinoplasty, and what nose shape and size is right for you.

Rhinoplasty Consultation and Considerations

One of the important things to note about rhinoplasty is that it can be cosmetic, for health reasons, or even both. Because rhinoplasty is a surgery that changes the shape or size of your nose, it’s important to discuss this with your board-certified surgeon at the consultation. Your nose is made up of your skin, bone, and cartilage, and each will likely be modified during the procedure. Below you will find important things to consider and exactly what to discuss at your consultation.

Upper Nose:

Common changes that occur on your upper nose often have to do with reducing a bump or narrowing a wider set nose. If you want to straighten or narrow your nose, addressing the upper nose area is advisable. In terms of proportion, you do not want the upper portion of your nose to be larger than the lower.

Middle Nose:

For those who have a wider set nose, this area can be thinned out. However, it’s important not to go too thin as this can impact your breathing. As with the upper nose area, thinning out the upper and middle areas of your nose are advisable as you do not want either to be larger than the bottom of your nose.

Tip of Your Nose:

If the tip of your nose droops, or protrudes out, you can reduce this area. However, it’s vital to get an experienced surgeon as this is a complicated portion of the procedure. Often the procedure itself, in addition to the healing process, determines the success of addressing this area of your nose.

Nasal Airway:

Due to the importance of nasal breathing, the procedure can be helpful for health reasons. If you are someone who has always had trouble breathing through your nose, or if you have had allergies, talk with your surgeon at the consultation about your expectations.

Rhinoplasty Procedure and Recovery

After your consultation you should be able to make an appointment for your nose job in Beverly Hills. On the day of the procedure you will be put under anesthesia. Your surgeon will then make a series of incisions to achieve your desired aesthetic by removing certain portions of your nose, in addition to reshaping it. In some cases, cartilage may also be added to your nose. Once the changes have been made the surgeon will strategically place your skin over your newly reshaped nose. The procedure takes roughly one to two hours depending on the complexity of your specific needs.

Once you are out of surgery your surgeon will place a splint on your nose to help it retain its new shape as it heals. You will also have nasal sacks or splints inside your nose to ensure it doesn’t collapse. For a few days after surgery you may experience pain, bruising, and some bleeding or drainage. This is normal and should subside within a short time. It’s most important during the first week or two to focus on resting to not only allow your nose, but your entire body to heal from the surgery.

Top Beverly Hills Surgeon

If you are unhappy with the look or shape of your nose, contact Dr. Brent and his team. Dr. Brent Moelleken is a well-known cosmetic surgeon with years of experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery, including rhinoplasty. He is one of the most highly trained surgeons in the country and received his training at Harvard, Yale, and UCLA. He has also been selected as one of Vogue Magazine’s “Top 10 Plastic Surgeons in America.” Contact the top Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon today for a consultation!

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