Mommy Makeover in Beverly Hills

A woman wearing a white bikini top and matching underwear, posing confidently against a neutral background.

Being a mother can be an enriching and fulfilling experience for a woman. But there is no denying that the physical toll of motherhood can change a woman’s body. Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can all affect your body’s overall appearance. Sure, there are instances of women regaining their pre-pregnancy shape almost immediately after delivery. But these are not the norm. Many women struggle with their bodies after pregnancy. The mommy makeover procedure has become a popular option for mothers who are looking to restore their youthful figure and shape. Top plastic surgeon Dr. Brent specializes in the popular mommy makeover procedure.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

The main goal of the mommy makeover is to restore a woman’s body to pre-pregnancy condition. But, there are a lot of different areas of the body that can be targeted. This means that a mommy makeover isn’t a single procedure, but rather several. Each of them is curated to fit the patient’s unique body and the changes they have experienced.

Although some people may want a makeover of the entire body, many women only need a few areas targeted. There is no right or wrong amount of procedures you choose. The goal and focus is to make you feel confident and vigorous again.

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Mommy Makeover Procedure Overview

The following is a general guideline of the stages throughout the process. The final procedure will look different for every patient, depending on what areas you want to target. However, the general outline remains the same. We always start with a consultation and work from there.

Consultation & Assessment

Discuss your goals and expectations of the procedure with Dr. Brent. He will make recommendations based on your specific case.


In most cases, mommy makeovers are performed in a single visit. This will save you time as well as money on anesthesia and operating room costs. Also, the convenience of performing all procedures at once means there is only one recovery period. The procedure can take about 2 to 5 hours, depending on your individual procedure plan. In more complex plans, it may take longer. What you can be certain of is a pain-free surgical experience. We always use general anesthesia for mommy makeovers. This is because the procedure involves multiple areas spread out over several hours. General anesthesia means you will be unconscious for all of it.

Top Mommy Makeover Options

Mommy makeovers are combination procedures that often pair two or more cosmetic surgeries. We work with patients to create custom procedures that help restore your pre-pregnancy physique. The following procedures are available to help you achieve the youthful shape you desire.


  • Breast Augmentation: Restore lost volume for a fuller look.
  • Breast Lift: Lift and enhance breasts that gradually sag over time to a perkier position.

Abdomen & Midsection

  • Tummy Tuck – Remove excess skin, fat, and tissue. Create a honed abdominal area that looks years younger.
  • Hybrid Tummy Tuck® by Dr. Brent: Dr. Brent’s signature tummy tuck has shorter incisions than traditional tummy tucks. Provides exceptional results with better healing times.
  • Liposuction & Liposculpture: Target and remove fat in trouble areas with pinpoint accuracy to give it a more slender appearance.

Arms & Legs

  • Arm Lift: Treat flabby upper arms or “bat wings” for a slimmer, tighter look.
  • Thigh Lift: Get firmer, sleeker legs by treating loose skin, dimpled cellulite skin, or stubborn fat deposits.

Face & Neck

  • Facelift: Rejuvenate your appearance by tightening and lifting your skin for a younger look.
  • Neck Lift: Treat sagging skin for a more defined jawline and smoother neck.

Mommy Makeover FAQs

If you are considering a mommy makeover procedure, we recommend you call to schedule a consultation with Dr. Brent. Your consultation will cover what to expect and how we will help you reach your aesthetic goals. You will receive recommendations based on Dr. Brent’s expertise and analysis.
Your medical history will also be discussed, including:
  • Any prior conditions or surgeries.
  • Medications or supplements you are taking or have taken recently.
  • Your recreational drug or tobacco usage history.
  • Your motivations for undergoing a mommy makeover and your expectations.
  • Your aesthetic goals and desires.
Although the term for this procedure is the mommy makeover, it does not mean you need to have had children to undergo it. This combination of surgeries is beneficial for women who have not experienced maternity as well. It is for any woman who feels like they can benefit from a physical makeover.

There really is not much of an age limit for the procedure. If you need it, then you need it, even if you are not a “mommy.” We usually recommend this procedure for patients at least in their 30s, as it can provide the most transformative results by this time, but even patients in their 20s can benefit from it post-pregnancy.

However, we generally recommend that patients undergo the procedure only once they plan to have no more children. You certainly still can have kids after, but another round of pregnancy can interfere with your results.

Recovering from a mommy makeover can take some time. The good news is that combined procedures like this do not take much longer to heal from than a single surgery. Still, we want patients to be aware of a few factors.

  • Downtime: Patients will need to take time off from work and physical activities as outlined by their surgeon.
  • Side Effects: Bruising and swelling are completely normal. These peak after surgery and will gradually improve. Depending on your procedure, you may need drains placed to help with fluid removal.
  • Discomfort: Some pain is normal. The first few days will be the peak, but even then, you can manage the pain well with medication. Depending on your procedure, OTC pain relievers may be enough. When necessary, we may prescribe pain medication.
  • Instructions: Dr. Brent provides each patient with individualized instructions to follow while recovering. Stick closely to these to facilitate a safe, smooth healing process.
Typically, we recommend having at least 2 full weeks of recovery before returning to a sitting job or light physical activity.
  • Around 6 weeks, you can expect to increase your physical activity level gradually.
  • By 3 months, you can expect to be able to resume your regular activities.
  • Keep in mind that these timetables are for a patient recovering from only a tummy tuck. A more comprehensive mommy makeover means you can expect the recovery to last a bit longer.
  • While in recovery, it is important not to exert yourself and have help around or nearby as you heal.
Absolutely. Dr. Brent and his team are committed to patient safety and satisfaction. We usually wait at least 1 week before the first follow-up visit. We want you to have enough time to heal so that coming back to the office will not prove trouble. At your follow-up, Dr. Brent will check your results and healing progress, ensuring every part of you is healing as it should. He may provide additional recommendations when needed. We also often see patients for additional follow-ups to provide further support and ensure you are fully satisfied with your outcomes.

When your surgery is complete, your results are all there. But the swelling and bruising will need to fade before they can shine. Usually, it takes about 2 weeks before patients can begin to fully appreciate their restored bodies. By this point, enough of the swelling will fade so that you can enjoy your aesthetic. Expect some tenderness to continue for a time, though.

Your final results can take several months to settle. This is because residual swelling takes a while to fade. You will not necessarily notice it, but it can still influence how the tissue rest.
Each part of your mommy makeover should last for years. However, some procedures provide longer-lasting results than others. For example, a tummy tuck can provide potentially permanent results. But a breast augmentation can last 10 to 20 years before the implants may need replacing. Dr. Brent can break down the longevity of each part of your plan during the consultation, along with recommendations for how to get the most out of each element.

Each mommy makeover procedure will involve multiple incisions. As always, surgical incisions do heal as scars. The good news is that they rarely are in visible locations. Dr. Brent always minimizes incision size and strategically places them to hide them. For example:

  • Breast augmentation incisions are often hidden under the breast.
  • Tummy tuck incisions are hidden beneath the waistline.
  • Breast lift incisions are kept to a minimum and follow the breast’s natural shape.
Furthermore, scarring generally improves as time passes. They might seem noticeable in the early stages of healing, but that should improve. They generally fade to a less prominent size and a more neutral tone over time. Additionally, Dr. Brent offers several nonsurgical options that can further improve a scar’s appearance. In the end, people will only notice your rejuvenated body, not your scars.

Mommy makeovers can fluctuate in price more than any other of our procedures. This is because each patient builds their own treatment plan. The final price will reflect the number of procedures and the complexity of each one. So while we cannot provide a blank estimate, Dr. Brent does provide personalized quotes during the consultation. These no-commitment quotes break down each cost element clearly. You can further adjust your plan to create a cost that aligns with your budget goals.

Since the procedures count as cosmetic, insurance providers usually do not cover them. However, patients can choose from several financing options to explore flexible treatment plans. Dr. Brent can provide recommendations for these during your consultation.
My experience with Dr. Moelleken and his staff was the absolute best possible. Dr. was very interested in his patient as were his staff. Making you comfortable and secure in the knowledge of his skills, which are the best. No problems. No looking “done” just better. Thank you.

Call To Book Your Personal Mommy Makeover Consultation Today!

Take the first step to reclaiming your body after pregnancy. If you desire to return your body to its previous shape, a mommy makeover can help you get there.

A positive change in your life begins with a consultation. We help patients through the process every step of the way. It is essential to us that you feel comfortable, not only with Dr. Brent but with his entire professional team.

Many patients prefer a combination of procedures over separate operations. During your consultation, Dr. Brent, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon, can decide on how many surgeries you need and the best way to complete them. To learn more or schedule a personal consultation, call our office.

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