
A woman with a joyful expression gently touching her face, radiating happiness and warmth.

Face procedures performed by Dr. Brent allow patients to reclaim a youthful, contoured aesthetic at any age. One of his leading procedures is currently FaceTite in Beverly Hills, a unique facial rejuvenation procedure that uses less invasive techniques. It provides impressive results while being significantly gentler than invasive cosmetic procedures.

What Is FaceTite?

FaceTite is the ideal medium between a surgical procedure and nonsurgical methods. Using a minimally invasive approach, this treatment can provide significant skin tightening for any area of the face, including a double chin, wrinkles, and jowls. It involves using radiofrequency (RF) administered by a special device through very small incisions. The body naturally responds to this energy by generating new collagen and tightening the skin and underlying tissues. Additionally, it can melt stubborn pockets of fat to further enhance the face’s contours. Results can last for years with proper care.

FaceTite opens the door for impactful cosmetic improvements without the need for full surgery. Still, Dr. Brent performs each procedure with the same world-class attention to detail and patient safety as with every other procedure he offers.

Key Goals with Every Treatment:

    • Tighten facial skin
    • Melt stubborn pockets of fat
    • Reduce wrinkles
    • Avoid any scarring
    • Provide natural-looking results
    • Enhance facial contours

Procedure at a Glance: FaceTite

  • Type of Procedure: Cosmetic, minimally invasive face procedure
  • Purpose: Tighten and contour the face
  • Incisions: Very tiny, rapidly heal
  • Duration: About 45 minutes
  • Anesthesia: Only local numbing is needed
  • Downtime: 3 to 4 days
  • Results: Natural-looking, lasting up to 5 years
  • Price: Varies based on combinations & complexity

How Is FaceTite Unique?

FaceTite stands in the middle ground between invasive procedures and nonsurgical options. This makes it ideal for patients who want to see notable improvements but want to avoid the complexity of full surgery. It works for any area of the face, providing bespoke contouring and tightening according to each patient’s goals. It also provides a unique combination of fat reduction and skin tightening. Normally, these can only be achieved with surgery. FaceTite creates the opportunity for high-precision facial contouring while promoting patient safety.

What Is a FaceTite Procedure Like?

FaceTite is a relatively quick and comfortable procedure, taking well under an hour for most sessions. First, we administer local anesthesia to numb the treatment areas. By avoiding general anesthesia, patients place significantly less strain on their body for a procedure. Dr. Brent then creates very tiny incisions through which the device can be inserted. These incisions allow the device to better deliver RF energy to deeper tissues, enhancing the tightening effect. He repeats this process for each treatment area. The incisions are so small they do not require any stitches to close.
A typical procedure will involve using FaceTite on one or more of these areas:
    • Cheeks
    • Jowls and jawline
    • Chin
    • Nasolabial folds
    • Forehead
    • Around the eyes
    • Submental region (under the chin)

FaceTite FAQs

FaceTite works best for patients with mild to moderate signs of aging around the face. More
significant skin laxity or wrinkles may better be served by a full facelift (one of Dr. Brent’s signature procedures). On the other end, very mild concerns may respond well to nonsurgical options like filler or laser therapy. FaceTite candidates are in the middle ground, wanting a balanced but comfortable experience. During your consultation, Dr. Brent will go over the details of the FaceTite procedure and explore each possible option based on your goals.

FaceTite best suits patients with some degree of aging. However, people’s skin can show age at different rates. Being a candidate for FaceTite depends more on your individual situation
rather than a specific age. That said, patients’ ages tend to fall somewhere between 30 and 50 years. Patients in older age groups may still qualify for the procedure, but alternatives may prove more suitable for them. For example, patients with severe wrinkles or loose skin will see
more satisfying results from a full facelift.

The speed and comfort of FaceTite recovery are part of what makes it such a popular option.
Most patients will only need about 3 to 4 days of downtime. However, even this downtime is less restrictive than after surgery. You can still move about your home and go about some daily
tasks within 48 hours. Still, you will want to avoid any strenuous activity until Dr. Brent provides
a check-up to ensure a smooth recovery.
Some initial discomfort and swelling are normal but easy to manage. However, remember that your body still does need time to adjust. Many patients may see the mild recovery and then return to their daily routine without precautions. We advise against that. Until you are fully recovered, some precautionary steps we recommend include:

  • Avoiding excess sun exposure
  • Avoiding anything that can irritate the skin (exfoliants, vitamin C, etc.)
  • Taking a break from contact or high-risk sports
  • Avoiding any use of tobacco products

Initial tightening should become noticeable after about 1 month. But keep in mind that these results can continue to improve over the next few weeks to months. The body will continue to
produce more collagen, further tightening the treated areas. Final results tend to take about 6 months to reach their full potential. By this point, your skin should be at peak collagen production.

Aside from wrinkles, perhaps the number one sign of aging patients want to address is jowling. We have good news. FaceTite does provide improvement in loose skin around the jaw. It can also provide some enhancement to jawline definition. The extent of improvements will depend on individual patient factors. Patients with severe drooping or jowls may benefit from a full facelift.

With a healthy lifestyle (and good sun protection), patients can expect results to last up to 5 years. A key part of your results will be caring for your skin. This starts with maintaining a good skin care regimen tailored to your skin’s needs. Beyond that, we recommend staying hydrated, keeping a balanced diet, and avoiding excess alcohol.

Patients can have the procedure again once the results fade to maintain their results. Alternatively, some patients may elect to have a facelift after their results fade. This surgical option can provide similar results and is designed for reducing multiple signs of aging.

Most patients report a comfortable experience with FaceTite. Dr. Brent has extensive experience in using the type of local anesthetic used in the procedure. You may feel an initial prick from the injection, but this lasts mere moments and feels mild. After that, the anesthesia will begin to take effect. The treatment area will begin to feel numb as the anesthetic works. Once the entire treatment area is numbed, you are ready for treatment.

The anesthesia lasts throughout the entire treatment process. So you should not feel any pain
at all. However, you may still feel some pressure as Dr. Brent moves through the treatment steps. This may feel mildly strange, but it is not painful. After treatment, mild discomfort is normal. But with a few pain relievers, you should be able to manage it comfortably.

The incisions made with FaceTite are so small they close on their own. Most patients will have no scarring at all. In cases where minor scarring occurs, it should fade over time. This lack of scarring points to why FaceTite has become such a popular facial procedure since its development. If you carefully follow your post-procedure instructions, you should encounter no scarring. Additionally, Dr. Brent makes the small incisions with the utmost care and precision to reduce the chance of scarring.

FaceTite can work well when combined with other procedures. However, it is crucial to work with an experienced surgeon who knows how different treatments complement each other. Ways to combine procedures with FaceTite include:

  • Surgical Options: Different parts of the body age at different rates. If another part of the
    face or body has more notable signs of aging, you can add on a surgical procedure. Use
    FaceTite for the milder concerns and use surgery for the more significant ones.
  • Nonsurgical Touch-Ups: Nonsurgical treatments can enhance FaceTite results by
    prolonging the treatment’s benefits. Dermal fillers can enhance facial contours, and laser
    treatments can continue boosting collagen.

Many patients think of FaceTite as just a milder version of a facelift. While this has some measure of truth to it, it can also be misleading. Both procedures can improve wrinkles and tighten facial skin. However, FaceTite does provide a unique benefit—targeting excess fat cells. This part of the procedure allows for a special element of facial contouring. With a facelift, the focus is entirely on repositioning skin and underlying tissues. Neither procedure is “better” than the other. Instead, what is important is that each patient is matched with what best suits their concerns.

Though minimally invasive, FaceTite still requires a few steps of preparation before your visit. Dr. Brent will provide a full list of instructions during your consultation. Always ask for
clarification whenever needed. In general, we recommend you:

  • Avoid wearing makeup on the day of your visit
  • Be in good health at the time of treatment
  • Be nonsmoking (smoking inhibits healing and results)
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home

Dr. Brent is a board-certified plastic surgeon who works tirelessly to push the field of plastic
surgery into the future. He is renowned for his facial procedures, providing refined results that
look and feel natural. His experience as a surgeon has helped hone his eyes for aesthetics, ensuring optimized results with every procedure.

The cost of FaceTite can vary. We build a unique treatment plan for each patient, which is reflected in the cost. A simpler treatment will be on the lower end of the scale, while a more complex (or combined) treatment may cost more. Additionally, the cost of a visit will be reflected in how many facial areas each patient plans to treat.

In each case, we provide a transparent breakdown of your costs during the consultation. By this point, we can put together your procedure plan and know which elements are involved. Patients generally agree that the price is well worth it as an investment in your appearance.

Any medical treatment can carry some degree of risk. However, patients can promote a safe experience by working with an appropriate physician. Generally, patients can expect some redness and swelling as side effects. But these are normal and quickly fade. Any other effects are rare, especially when a qualified practitioner performs FaceTite.

During your consultation, Dr. Brent will go over any specific risk factors you might have. He ensures patients are fully informed about any procedure before they commit to it. In general, Dr. Brent’s procedures all maximize patient safety. Additionally, our follow-up care further reduces patient risks.

FaceTite is considered a purely cosmetic treatment. As such, insurance plans generally do not provide any coverage. However, we know that just because something is cosmetic does not mean it is unimportant. We work closely with patients to explore payment options and can recommend several financing options.

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