Lip Augmentation in Beverly Hills
Lush, Contoured, Perfect

Having full and well-shaped lips can be an empowering experience. With lip augmentation, Dr. Brent provides a path to seeing your ideal aesthetic, even if age or genetics have gotten in the way. Each procedure takes your full features into account, delivering results that are balanced and bring out your best. World-class plastic surgeon Dr. Brent provides both permanent and temporary lip augmentation at his practice, which is centrally located in Beverly Hills.
What Is Lip Augmentation?
Using either fillers or signature fat grafting techniques, Dr. Brent’s lip augmentation procedures restore or enhance the contours of the lips.
For grafting techniques, Dr. Brent uses his patented Live-Fill technique. This minimizes the amount of fat cell death for prolonged, more stable results. Fat is taken from a donor site on the patient and then processed. Once it is ready, it is then injected into the lips to create the desired volume and contour. For dermal fillers, Dr. Brent uses FDA-approved solutions to provide quick and nonpermanent enhancements to the lips.
Some of the boosts patients can see in their lips include:
- Restoration of lost volume
- Improved contouring of lip shape
- Enhanced lip volume and fullness
- Changes to lip projection
- Improved lip symmetry
- Increased facial feature harmony
Lip Augmentation at a Glance
Type of Procedure: Cosmetic, injections, minimally invasive
Procedure Duration: About 30 minutes (fillers); about 60–90 minutes (grafting)
Recovery Time: None to 3 days
Results Duration: 6–12 months (fillers); 5+ years (grafting)
Popular Combinations: Additional dermal fillers for the face, facelift, cheek lift, neck lift
Table of Contents
Procedure Overview
- Preparing for Your Procedure: Lip augmentation is a gentler process than many other face procedures. Still, some key preparations typically include pausing blood thinners, minimizing alcohol intake, and avoiding smoking.
- During the Procedure: For grafting, the process is broken into two main steps. First, fat is taken from a donor location. Very little is needed, and it will not impact how the donor site looks. Once it is purified using Dr. Brent’s Live-Fill technique, it is then injected into the lips. Throughout the process, you will have local anesthetic to prevent any pain.
- After the Surgery: After fillers, patients can often resume their routine immediately. For grafting, there can be some additional swelling, so patients may prefer to spend their time at home once the procedure wraps up.
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Lip Augmentation FAQs
What types of lip augmentation are available?
- LaLa Lip Graft: Using Dr. Brent’s signature Live-Fill technique, this is his preferred fat grafting lip augmentation. His technique results in less fat cells dying after injection. This creates the advantage of more stable results, which avoids the risk of having the duck-lip look of traditional techniques (due to overfilling).
- Temporary Fillers: Dr. Brent offers several hyaluronic acid fillers, each of them FDA-approved for injections. These provide same-day results and virtually no recovery. Different filler types provide unique benefits and duration of results.
Is lip augmentation right for me?
Lip augmentation is open to a wide range of patients. So if you want to elevate the appearance of your lips, then you are likely already a great candidate. The next question is which type of lip procedure is right for you: fillers, grafting, or another procedure. During your consultation, Dr. Brent will work with you to match you with a solution that gives your lips the effect you desire.
- Fillers: Best for patients who want quick results without committing to permanent changes.
- Grafting: Best for patients who want longer-lasting results. Uses only natural materials, which is suitable for patients who do not want manufactured products used.
- Lip Lift: This is a different procedure that does not address volume. Instead, it lifts the upper lip slightly toward the nose to improve lip position and shape.
What is the recovery like for lip augmentation?
Depending on your type of lip augmentation, there may be a mild recovery period. Dermal fillers are milder and typically do not require any downtime. Though, some patients may have mild swelling or redness around the injections for a day or two. This will vary for each patient, though it almost always stays mild with quick resolution.
Grafting augmentation is still mild, but there may be some additional swelling, which may take a few days to resolve. The mild experience is due to the lack of incisions. The entire process involves using only specialized instruments to inject material without damaging the surrounding tissues.
Will I need to take downtime?
While no downtime is typically needed, patients may prefer to spend a day or two at home before returning to daily activities or work. It mostly depends on how much swelling there is afterward. Some patients may notice very little and can return to work as soon as they leave the office. However, we do recommend avoiding any strenuous activity for about 24–48 hours. Getting your heart rate or blood pressure up could impact the swelling. For example, avoid activities like heavy lifting, running, or intense cardio. You can still engage in mild exercise, but listen to your body. If your lips feel uncomfortable, it is best to pause your activity.
When will I see my lip augmentation results?
Dermal filler lip augmentation can provide near-instant improvements and results. Patients can walk out of Dr. Brent’s office with their new look and enjoy the benefits right away. If there is any swelling, it should fade within a day or two to reveal your full results.
Fat grafting augmentation is similarly quick to show results. However, a minority of the fat injected will die and be absorbed by the body, so your long-term results will be evident once this happens. This entails some minor decrease in lip size from your initial appearance, but it is calculated so the final results match the ideal look you wanted.
Will my results look natural?
The best outcomes with lip augmentation are those in which your lips look amazing but not like they’ve “had work done.” Dr. Brent carefully builds each patient’s treatment, planning injection sites and volumes based on your individual goals and anatomy. He works closely with patients during the consultation to ensure the results match their expectations. During the consultation, Dr. Brent provides samples of what your finished look will be like. This way, you can know what results you can expect before committing to your treatment.
How long do lip augmentation results last?
Depending on lifestyle factors and the type of filler, your lips should continue to look great for about 6 months to 1 year. For example, patients with highly active lifestyles may see shorter results than patients with more moderate levels of activity. If you want to restore your appearance, a quick touchup treatment is easy. You can also make further adjustments to your augmentation plan to create an even more bespoke aesthetic.
With fat grafting augmentation, patients can expect long-lasting benefits. Most patients will at least see several years of results, with many going beyond even that. It will depend on the type of fat injection you have and the skill of the surgeon doing it. Dr. Brent’s unique LiveFill techniques ensure optimal results, both in terms of looks and duration. Generally, patients can expect at least 5 years of benefits. Many go far beyond that and see results that truly last.
Is lip augmentation painful?
As a cosmetic procedure, lip augmentation is considered on the mild side. Most patients report a very tolerable experience with minimal discomfort. Local numbing cream can further reduce discomfort. At most, patients can expect a quick pinching sensation with each injection. The entire process lasts a matter of minutes, so it will be over before you know it. After the treatment, some tenderness can occur. But it should not get in the way of enjoying your results.
Is the treatment safe?
Lip augmentation is generally considered safe, with minimal risk of side effects. We further enhance patient safety by only using fillers from established brands known for their safety and exacting quality control. Dr. Brent treats even nonsurgical treatments with care, ensuring that he only recommends options based on the patient’s individual safety profile. We look for any allergies or contraindications ahead of time to avoid any issues. Dr. Brent and his team also provide follow-up support when needed to further ensure patient safety.
Can I combine treatments?
Lip augmentation is mild and quick, making it an ideal treatment to combine with others. Most commonly, patients combine lip augmentation with other nonsurgical treatments, especially other fillers. You can build on your plan with additional injection sites and filler types, further honing your personal aesthetic. During the consultation, you can lay out your goals for Dr. Brent in full detail. He then can make recommendations that will get you to where you want to be.
Can I switch augmentation types?
Sometimes, a patient may start with fillers but then want to switch to fat grafting. In most cases, this will prove possible. However, it will require an experienced surgeon to do so safely and effectively. When filler breaks down in the lips, it may do so unevenly. So any fat grafting treatment would need to take this into account. If you want to switch to fat grafting for your lips after fillers, we can start with a consultation. Dr. Brent will look at your current results and see what options you have available. Likewise, you may be able to have fillers after fat grafting. However, this is usually best for patients who have already seen their injected fat subside past their intended results. Usually, this can take several years.
Are lip implants the same as augmentation?
Some surgeons do use lip implants for augmentation. However, we avoid these. We prefer fillers and fat grafting because they have a higher safety profile for patients. Lip implants would require a long-term commitment to your results, which many patients are not ready for. Even minor issues with an implant can cause a dramatic shift to your appearance. With fillers, you are in better control over your aesthetic. And if you do not like the results, they will fade naturally over time. With implants, the only way to reverse the results is to surgically remove the implant.
How much does lip augmentation cost?
The cost for lip augmentation will depend on two main factors:
- Filler type
- Amount of filler
During your consultation, we can put together a plan and build a personalized quote. Your quote will break down each price element for your augmentation plan, providing transparent information. The quote requires no commitment, and you can further modify your plan to fit your budget goals. Once your quote is locked in, you can sign up for your treatment session (or even have it that same day in many cases).
Since lip augmentation is purely cosmetic, insurance companies do not cover the cost. However, financing options do exist that allow for flexible payment options. Ask Dr. Brent about these during the consultation to learn more and see if this could be an option for you.
How do I choose the right specialist?
Successful lip augmentation requires both skill and an eye for balance. So choosing the right specialist with a combination of both is essential.
- Utilize the Consultation: Your consultation is your time to learn about your surgeon. Ask questions, gain information, and feel out if you are comfortable with the specialist.
- Before-and-After Photos: Nothing is more concrete than past results. Look through before-and-after photos to see how well your surgeon performs the procedure.
- Ask About Certifications: Many people offer lip augmentation, but not all of them are equally qualified. Board certification in plastic surgery is key.
Book Your Consultation
Dr. Brent’s work as a double board-certified surgeon has helped patients achieve lasting, striking improvements to their aesthetics for years. Each lip augmentation he performs in Beverly Hills is tailored to your needs and built around bringing out a balanced, attractive result. Book your consultation with him today to explore his full suite of plastic surgery and nonsurgical options.
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