Nonsurgical Facelift in Beverly Hills

A beautiful blonde woman wearing red lipstick and a stylish black top, exuding confidence and elegance.

In addition to a full suite of plastic surgery options, board-certified surgeon Dr. Brent offers specialized, nonsurgical options that still deliver significant results. His nonsurgical facelift continues to become more popular, as greater numbers of patients want to treat signs of aging but without an invasive approach. Using these minimally invasive techniques, Dr. Brent can provide stunning facial rejuvenation without incisions, scarring, or weeks of downtime.

What Is a Nonsurgical Facelift?

A nonsurgical facelift is no single procedure but a combination of multiple opens that target your specific cosmetic concerns. Like a traditional facelift, these treatments are used to reduce signs of aging in the lower face. However, while a traditional facelift only focuses on tightening skin, a nonsurgical approach allows for a more complex approach to multiple facial concerns, including:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Loss of facial volume
  • Thin or uneven skin
  • Mild to moderate jowls
  • Sagging or loose skin
  • Thin lips

Procedure at a Glance: The Nonsurgical Facelift

  • Type of Procedure: Minimally invasive cosmetic treatment
  • Purpose: Reduce signs of aging in the lower face
  • Incisions: None
  • Session Duration: 30 to 60 minutes, on average
  • Anesthesia: Local numbing cream or none needed
  • Downtime: Couple of days to about 1 week, depending on the treatment
  • Results: Months to years, depending on treatment type
  • Price: Depends on individual package
A beautiful woman showcasing her skin care routine, highlighting the lines on her face with confidence and grace.

What Is a Nonsurgical Facelift Procedure Like?

  • Chemical Peels: In a chemical peel, a special formula is applied to the treatment area. The peel formula is packed with materials that help exfoliate the upper, aged layers of skin while also boosting collagen production. The treatment is ideal for reducing wrinkles and firming up the skin. We have different formula strengths, depending on your needs.
  • Dermal Fillers: Dr. Brent has a range of hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers available for patients. HA naturally occurs in the body and is excellent for rejuvenating aged parts of the face. Fillers are best for improving lost facial volume and improving facial contours.
  • Laser Treatments: Laser skin resurfacing and our other laser treatments are flexible, effective treatments for a range of skin concerns. From wrinkles to pigmentation concerns, one of Dr. Brent’s laser systems can prove to be the solution.
  • Facial Fat Injections: Fat injections can work similarly to dermal fillers, but they use the patient’s own tissues. Patients may prefer facial fat injections if they want a more natural approach.
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Nonsurgical Facelift FAQs

A nonsurgical facelift can enact impressive changes, creating a more youthful and defined contour to the face. However, we take the time with each patient to ensure they are matched with the right procedure. Dr. Brent thoroughly goes over each patient’s medical history to ensure their procedure plan will be safe and effective. While a nonsurgical approach can still provide dramatic improvements, patients with more significant concerns may be more satisfied with a surgical facelift. The right solution will depend on your goals, health, and concerns.
During your consultation, Dr. Brent will go over all of your options so you can explore multiple paths toward a rejuvenated appearance.
Ideal candidates typically will:
  • Have no current skin inflammation or infection
  • Have mild to moderate signs of aging (wrinkles, skin laxity, etc.)
  • Have a healthy understanding of the benefits and limitations of the treatment

Our patients usually begin considering a nonsurgical facelift in their 30s or 40s. By this time, some signs of aging have begun to appear, but they might not be notable enough to merit surgery. Instead, you can rejuvenate your appearance and even take steps against future signs of aging. Sometimes, even younger patients try these treatments as “prejuvenation” to prevent signs of aging before they appear.

We evaluate each patient’s case and goals individually. If you want a gentler way of addressing cosmetic concerns, then these treatments can provide benefits at most ages. However, patients who are in their later 50s or beyond may benefit more from a surgical procedure. It all depends on your individual concerns and the results you want to see.

For injectable treatments, most patients will have little to no downtime. Some swelling is normal, and some patients may have bruising. But these typically fade quickly. Otherwise, you can return to your day, with many patients even going back to work straight from their treatment session. For chemical peels and laser treatments, patients usually will take about 1 week off from work. These treatments can leave the skin temporarily reddened as it heals. After about 1 week (more for stronger treatments), patients can see their skin begin to return to normal. This typically will occur after the outer layer of skin has flaked off.

For more intensive chemical peels or laser treatments, you may notice longer-lasting side effects. Typically, these remain limited to redness and swelling. Dr. Brent will inform you ahead of time what recovery to expect based on your treatment plan.
You will want to minimize physical strain while your skin is still red or swollen. Strenuous activity will increase blood flow, which can further irritate the skin. However, mild activity can be beneficial. So while you will want to avoid intense sports, a mild walk around the neighborhood could prove useful. Dr. Brent will provide full information on what activities to avoid and when you can return to your full routine without limitations. Usually, patients can do so after about 2 weeks.

Dermal fillers and fat injections can provide nearly instant benefits. They immediately restore lost facial volume and enhance your face’s contours. Some fillers continue to boost collagen for additional benefits following treatment. Results tend to last from a few months to years, depending on the product used.

Chemical peels and laser treatments tend to produce more gradual results. However, both treatments are highly reliable. Patients can expect to start seeing benefits about 10 to 14 days after treatment. Each additional treatment in your regimen will continue to build on the prior session.
Nonsurgical facelift treatments can still provide durable results. After about 3 to 5 treatments, patients can see their full results, which can last for a year or beyond. The duration of results depends on individual factors, such as lifestyle, skin care, hydration, and more. Our goal with each patient is to support them in seeing their results last as long as possible. One significant factor is sun exposure. Prolonged or excessive sun exposure can rapidly age the skin. So we recommend keeping it to a minimum. Also, always wear sunscreen or other protection when outdoors, especially when the UV index is higher.
Touch-up treatments allow patients to maintain their results without having a full additional regiment. Most patients will benefit from a touch-up treatment every 6 to 12 months, depending on age and individual skin health. Routine treatments help your skin to maintain steady collagen production, which improves skin texture and elasticity. Dr. Brent can provide each patient with a recommended touch-up regimen based on their individual case.
The best way to combine a nonsurgical facelift is to expand the treatment area. Patients can treat all parts of the face and neck with these same treatments to obtain more comprehensive results. The consultation process allows you to build your treatment plan in every detail. Customize your path toward rejuvenation alongside a leading plastic surgeon. If you are interested in combining treatments, you can discuss available options during your consultation and expand your treatment plan.
Preparing for a nonsurgical treatment will generally be simpler and more straightforward. We advise patients to avoid using makeup on the day of treatment and to come well-hydrated. If you have any current skin conditions or acne outbreaks, you may need to wait for those to clear up before treatment. If you plan to have laser treatment or a chemical peel, we recommend arranging for some time off ahead of time. Based on your treatment plan, Dr. Brent can let you know what timeframe you can expect for downtime.

Patients generally report having a mild experience with a nonsurgical facelift. During the treatment, you may experience a small amount of discomfort. For laser treatments, this can feel like a small rubber band snapping against the skin. The good news is it is always brief and not severe. A chemical peel may feel different, with patients usually comparing it to the sensation of a sunburn. You may feel mild burning and tingling, but it should be mild as long as you do not irritate your face. Deeper peels may feel more noticeable, but even they prove well-tolerated by most patients.

After the treatment, you may also feel facial sensitivity and mild discomfort. This gradually fades, but it means patients should take extra care not to irritate their skin. Avoid itching (even when it itches) or scratching at your face. Likewise, avoid any products that can irritate the skin, such as exfoliants, vitamin C, and similar.
As with any procedure at Dr. Brent’s practice, he takes time beforehand to ensure your selected treatment is safe for you. This entails discussing your medical history and performing a skin exam. If one treatment might not work for you, he can always recommend a safe alternative. In general, a nonsurgical facelift is considered very safe. It carries none of the risks of invasive techniques. However, you will still need to take good care of your skin after treatment to help it heal. With proper aftercare and healing, patients should have a safe, 100% positive experience.
While a nonsurgical approach can provide dramatic rejuvenation, it does have limits. Deeper wrinkles can still respond to treatment, but they will likely still be visible. A nonsurgical approach works best for smoothing out newer wrinkles and fine lines. Deeper wrinkles do respond well to a surgical facelift, which patients can consider based on the outcome they want to see.

Each patient’s nonsurgical facelift plan will involve varying complexity and treatments. Because of this, we cannot provide a blanket quote, as that could be misleading. Instead, we take the time to build each patient’s plan individually and provide a personalized quote. With this quote comes no commitment, and you can further alter your plan so it can fit into your planned budget.

While insurance does not cover a nonsurgical facelift, we can work with patients to explore financing options. The flexible payment options take the hassle out of much of the financial side. We can discuss these options during your consultation.

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Book your consultation with Dr. Brent today to learn more about his nonsurgical facelift option in Beverly Hills and see if you are a candidate. Explore treatment options with a leading specialist in plastic surgery and aesthetic rejuvenation for patients of all ages. We look forward to doing our part in helping you look and feel at your best, today and every day in the future. Call to get started.
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