Alma Laser System

The modern era of precision laser surgery began in 1983 when Anderson and Parrish published their theory of Selective Photothermolysis (SP). By applying the principle of SP, laser surgeons could now selectively target light-absorbing molecules (chromophores) in the skin by using specific wavelengths of pulsed radiation. Armed with this powerful breakthrough, scientists joined forces with a growing laser industry to develop pulsed lasers capable of selectively targeting the three major chromophores in the skin: water, hemoglobin, and melanin. Hundreds of lasers were designed to treat a broad range of skin conditions and over the next two decades, refinements in laser technology improved laser safety while making laser treatments available to more patients. The widespread use of epidermal cooling gave birth to the concept of nonablative dermal remodeling, in which hemoglobin, or water-targeting lasers, create thermal damage confined to the dermis, initiating dermal collagen remodeling without sacrificing the integrity of the overlying epidermis.
Evaluation & Consultation
While primarily focusing on laser technology as a means for medical and aesthetic dermatological treatment, Alma Laser also develops and implements radiofrequency and ultrasound technologies. The Alma Laser Company is renowned for providing the most innovative medical technology used in the cosmetic surgery field and cosmetic surgery procedures frequently employ the use of at least one Alma Laser product.
- Body Contouring Lasers
- Skin Tightening Lasers
- Skin Rejuvenation Lasers
- Acne Treatment Lasers
- Facial Vein Lasers
- Vascular Pigment Lesion Lasers
- Wrinkle Reduction Lasers
- Fractional Lasers