Signature Procedures

A beautiful blonde woman wearing red lipstick and a stylish black top, exuding confidence and elegance.

It has always been said that what matters most is on the inside: not the outside. Although this is true, unfortunately, we are often judged on first appearances, and feeling good about how we look increases our confidence and self-esteem. People who deal with actual or perceived body concerns are almost always affected emotionally and psychologically. While our physical form might consist of anatomical tissue including flesh and bone, our mind views our body as an extension of who we are. Because of this, we feel responsible for presenting a pleasing image yet unfortunately many of us have a body that we feel falls short in certain aspects. This basically means that our external body does not look like the person we feel we are on the inside and this inability of our body to live up to internal expectations can result in a source of constant anguish. Negative emotions affect not only our body image: it can also affect our attitude, general outlook on life, and all of our social dealings with people.

Society can be demanding and cruel, often making us feel as if we can never measure up to the accepted ideals of attractiveness and physical perfection. We constantly receive mixed messages from television, movies, and other forms of mass media, and this causes us to struggle with what is and what is not important when it comes to our bodies. We are usually our harshest critics, finding flaws and problems all over our bodies and instead of accepting age gracefully, we worry about our sagging skin, leathery lines, wrinkles, blemishes, discolorations, fatty deposits, large pores, bags, folds, double chin, and turkey wattle neck. This effect can be especially stressful for women who have aged past their youthful years or women who have suffered the physical changes associated with childbirth.

Fortunately, there is a solution as cosmetic surgery allows you to resolve your concerns. Although cosmetic surgery will not literally change your life when your body is molded into a more desirable form better suited to your personal preference you achieve greater self-confidence. Once you love your body image, instead of being a problem it becomes a part of the solution to achieving internal peace. By placating your emotional self, your body becomes a more unified part of the human trinity, which consists of the mind, body, and spirit. Cosmetic surgery can improve aesthetic issues resulting from perceived inadequacies or actual problematic developments. Plastic surgery can improve defects from many causations including injuries, congenital disorders, developmental conditions, or disease. Whatever the reason, resolving your physical body image issues will create the basis for a sound and strong mind-body relationship.

Cosmetic Surgery has increased dramatically in popularity over the past decade and with this increase in popularity, attitudes have changed as more people are accepting the cosmetic surgery alternative. Like nearly all fields, cosmetic surgery has undergone significant technological and conceptual changes in recent years and the conceptual changes have altered the approaches to aging. People undergo cosmetic surgery for many reasons but whatever the rationale, over 10 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures were performed in the United States last year. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), this is an increase of 162% since the tracking of the statistics first began in 1997.

Dr. Brent Moelleken M.D., F.A.C.S., is a Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon that specializes in cosmetic surgery. He is double board-certified by the American Board of Surgery and American Board of Plastic Surgery. He received his premedical, medical, and surgical training at Harvard University, Yale University, UCSF, and UCLA. Dr. Moelleken is one of three specialty-trained surgeons in the world to complete the yearlong Aesthetic Surgery Fellowship at UCLA and he has the prestigious FACS degree. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), Who’s Who in the World, and numerous medical and scientific organizations. He has been selected by Who’s Who in America’s Top Plastic Surgeons in Los Angeles, Ciudad’s “Top Doctors in Los Angeles”, and by Vogue Magazine as one of the “Top 10 Plastic Surgeons in America”. Results of Dr. Moelleken’s studies have been published in books, articles, and the journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Moelleken has presented his expertise at several international meetings and he has appeared on numerous local and national television segments.

Through his years of dedicated training and brilliant talent, Dr. Moelleken has innovated several procedures including the 360 Facelift®, Hybrid Tummy Tuck®, LiveFill®, LUSIC Cheeklift®, USIC Cheeklift®, and Neck-Lace®.

Dr. Moelleken knows that self-esteem is one of the most precious of all lasting internal characteristics that guides you to make important choices in your life. Self-esteem assists you in overcoming many troubles and is likely one of the main reasons that men and women have cosmetic procedures. Men choose to improve many of the same body parts as women. “More men than ever before are getting plastic surgery,” Dr. Moelleken says up to 20 percent of his practice includes men. “Ten years ago, it was just 5 to 10 percent.” It is inevitable in life: a man or a woman cannot solve every problem they encounter but cosmetic surgery is an empowering experience which allows a person to address deep seated body image issues. Correcting actual or perceived problems is not a decision to take lightly and this is where Dr. Moelleken’s expertise and experience will help when you are choosing which procedure (or procedures) are right for you. Successful cosmetic surgery results are dependent on the communication between you and your surgeon and Dr. Moelleken advises you to check credentials and make sure you feel comfortable enough to discuss any concerns honestly with whatever surgeon you choose. Dr. Moelleken says, “The people who are the most open about their plastic surgery have the most positive experience. If you’re open about it, you’re unembarrassaable.”

People are driven to consider cosmetic surgery from a combination of social and emotional factors. People have two components to their minds: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. People might be aware of the conscious issues they have with their bodies but most are probably not aware how these issues subconsciously affect them, their personalities, and their social interactions with the world around them. The emotions that take place in the subconscious mind are the biggest alterations within people and greatly outweigh any physical improvements. Improving the body is doing something proactive for your mind and soul. When you look in the mirror and see a body that you are proud of, a heightened sense of accomplishment prevails and you receive the satisfaction of doing something truly meaningful in pursuing self-improvement. Cosmetic surgery is a highly personal experience and if you feel your body does not reflect who you are, you have the right to change it. Thanks to Dr. Moelleken and his life-altering procedures, you too can achieve the self-assurance you have been searching for through your beautiful, new body.
Thumbnail of Livevfill by Moelleken Plastic Surgery.

360 facelift®

This facelift includes a multitude of procedures, which help improve the appearance of patients. The smallest incisions are made around your face including your chin, ear, and scalp area. These small incisions are used to remove fat deposits and to place implants as necessary. Since each patient is different, this innovative plastic surgery technique will vary between patients.

Thumbnail of Signature Hybrid Tummy Tuck by Moelleken Plastic Surgery.

Hybrid Tummy Tuck®

The Hybrid tummy tuck® (Hybrid abdominoplasty®), innovated by Dr. Moelleken, is a tummy tightening procedure for moms. It involves a C-section type incision but full tightening of the deep fascia without translocation of the umbilicus. This procedure is popular among celebrities and fit moms because it does not require the usual hip to hip incision of a conventional abdominoplasty.

Thumbnail of Livevfill by Moelleken Plastic Surgery.


Dr. Moelleken has innovated LiveFill®, a permanent method of volume augmentation in your face using fat-fascial grafts rather than aspirated fat. LiveFill® has some advantages over conventional fat injection, including higher survival rates due primarily to increased initial viability of the grafts. Dr. Moelleken’s procedure has been published in the journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery has been presented at several international meetings, and has appeared on numerous local and national television segments.

Thumbnail of Cheek lift by Moelleken Plastic Surgery.

Lusic Cheeklift® and the USIC Cheeklift®

Dr. Moelleken pioneered the USIC® (Ultrashort incision Cheek lift) and LUSIC® (LiveFill® Ultrashort incision Cheek lift), superficial, fast recovery, fat restoration techniques for lifting and rejuvenating your lower eyelids and cheek region. The superficial Cheek lift produces a cleaner; more rested appearance below your eyes than conventional lower eyelid surgery and avoids some of the changes in eye shape associated with lower eyelid surgery involving an incision below the eyelid. His technique was published in the journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and has appeared on numerous local, national, and international television segments.

Thumbnail of Necklace Neck Lift by Moelleken Plastic Surgery.


An interlacing technique that rejuvenates the neck, this procedure helps increase the firmness of your neck just under your chin. As individuals age, many complain of a sagging neck area and the skin becomes very loose. The necklace procedure involves a small incision just under your chin area before a technique similar to liposuction is used to take out deposits just under your jaw. These deposits cause the sagging of your skin and when removed, this will improve the tightness of your skin

Dr. Moelleken knows that self-esteem is one of the most precious of all lasting internal characteristics that guides you to make important choices in your life. Self-esteem assists you in overcoming many troubles and is likely one of the main reasons that men and women have cosmetic procedures. Men choose to improve many of the same body parts as women. “More men than ever before are getting plastic surgery,” Dr. Moelleken says up to 20 percent of his practice includes men. “Ten years ago, it was just 5 to 10 percent.” It is inevitable in life: a man or a woman cannot solve every problem they encounter but cosmetic surgery is an empowering experience which allows a person to address deep seated body image issues. Correcting actual or perceived problems is not a decision to take lightly and this is where Dr. Moelleken’s expertise and experience will help when you are choosing which procedure (or procedures) are right for you. Successful cosmetic surgery results are dependent on the communication between you and your surgeon and Dr. Moelleken advises you to check credentials and make sure you feel comfortable enough to discuss any concerns honestly with whatever surgeon you choose. Dr. Moelleken says, “The people who are the most open about their plastic surgery have the most positive experience. If you’re open about it, you’re unembarrassaable.”
People are driven to consider cosmetic surgery from a combination of social and emotional factors. People have two components to their minds: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. People might be aware of the conscious issues they have with their bodies but most are probably not aware how these issues subconsciously affect them, their personalities, and their social interactions with the world around them. The emotions that take place in the subconscious mind are the biggest alterations within people and greatly outweigh any physical improvements. Improving the body is doing something proactive for your mind and soul. When you look in the mirror and see a body that you are proud of, a heightened sense of accomplishment prevails and you receive the satisfaction of doing something truly meaningful in pursuing self-improvement. Cosmetic surgery is a highly personal experience and if you feel your body does not reflect who you are, you have the right to change it. Thanks to Dr. Moelleken and his life-altering procedures, you too can achieve the self-assurance you have been searching for through your beautiful, new body.
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